Company Conducts “Smell Check” on Employees During Bathroom Breaks

Yikes, stories like these make me realize how thankful I am to work where I do. To ruin Christmas a little bit, this workplace bathroom sign claims that employees must adhere to a very strict time limit while using the bathroom, or they will face a smell check. Yes apparently the employees at this company are taking way too long to poop, so they decided to put a stop to it. These monsters. They basically said…”respect of privacy? Nah.”

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The bizarre sign was shared on Reddit and is an attempt to deter workers from taking long breaks. It was posted on the bathroom door of an unidentified business. It reads, “If in bathroom for more than 10 minutes, a smell check will be completed to ensure employees not sitting on phone.”

I mean, whoever gets assigned this noble task must either get paid a lot of money to do so or needs to get some sort of raise because no one wants to smell someone else’s poop. How do you even look at that person in the face after doing so? This is wild.

You gotta be shittin’ me from trashy

The post continued, “if it does not stink, employee’s name will be reported to the office.” Now, who knows if this is a joke or not, but if this company is treating their employees like that, I want to say it might be a good time to start looking for a new job. I mean, this is insane.

You’re basically telling me that if it stinks enough, then you don’t get in trouble but if it doesn’t you do? Also, how long are the employees taking in the restroom for someone to actually make a sign out of it? I get you might hate your job and need a break sometimes, but come on, do you really want people knowing that you have been in the restroom for 30 minutes?

I get embarrassed if I take too long because I don’t want people to think I’m pooping. That’s just me though. Maybe some people just don’t care? Lucky employees for sure.

Watch: You Can Buy Fart Neutralizing Underwear Pads, Apparently

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