Oxford University Academic Says We Shouldn’t Save People Who Eat Meat

If you eat meat, that’s precisely what you deserve to become — dead meat. At least, that’s the opinion of a man named Plant.

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No, seriously. That’s his name. It’s Michael Plant, and he is the Oxford University professor who says it’s OK for meat eaters to suffer and die. Since that is the fate they create for animals by eating those animals.

Of course, if this is the Plant man’s philosophy, he may also want to run it past a grizzly bear, and while humans will probably just blow off this theory, a grizzly bear may not. The grizzly might not wait long enough to listen to the full lesson. He might decide to have himself some meat to go with his plants.

Michael Plant

Anyway, enough about what bears do in the woods and back to Plant.

“I argue that, if meat eating is wrong on animal suffering grounds then once we consider how much suffering might occur, it starts to seem plausible that saving strangers would be the greater evil than not rescuing them and is, therefore, not required after all,” Plant wrote in the Journal of Controversial Ideas.

Yeah, that’s the actual name of the book.

By the way — and you’re gonna love this part — Plant is an admitted meat-eater. So it’s not surprising that he suggested saving a meat-eater’s life is OK, provided they switch to vegetarianism at the time of rescue.

“If we have those animal welfare concerns, then when we account for them, it reduces and may remove, the obligation to rescue others,” he wrote. “I consider this surprising and disturbing.”

Yeah, so do the rest of us.

Read More: PETA Thinks Men Who Eat Meat Should be Banned From Having Sex

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