Ohio State student with Navy ties allegedly killed by Merchant Marine boyfriend in murder-suicide

Facebook/Heather Campbell via Daily Mail -- Heather Campbell and Kyle Lafferty dead in alleged murder-suicide.

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An alleged domestic-related situation turned into what appears to be a tragic murder-suicide in Ohio over the weekend. A 22-year-old Ohio State student was shot by her boyfriend, a graduate of a naval engineering school, before turning the gun on himself, law enforcement officials believe.

Heather Campbell was allegedly shot and killed by Kyle Lafferty, 25, in her Columbus, Ohio, apartment Sunday, Columbus police Sgt. Dave Sicilian told NBC 4. The police received a call around 2:30 a.m. Sunday after a concerned friend had gone to check on Campbell.

“She’s the one who actually found them and then she notified us and patrol officers came out to the scene and we started our investigation from there,” said Sicilian, who added that a neighbor in the adjoining apartment heard loud voices, what might have been an argument and then a possible gunshot, according to NBC 4.

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Lafferty graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in June 2015. Campbell had worked as a Nuclear Engineer Mate in the Navy since August 2016, according to her Facebook page.

“We are heartbroken to learn about this tragedy. Heather Campbell was a psychology major from Strongsville,” according to a statement issued by The Ohio State University. “Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends during this incredibly difficult time. Counseling is available for those students in our community who need support by calling 614-292-5766.”

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