Here’s how you can help the Cajun Navy keep doing what they do

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The Cajun Navy traveled to Houston from their home state of Louisiana in the immediate aftermath of Harvey to help get victims out of flooded homes, and stayed for weeks afterward.

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Now, the nonprofit organization is putting together an Amazon wish list for those interested in helping them continue to help others.

The list includes disaster relief supplies like glow sticks, cell chargers, tourniquets and airhorns.

Since its formation, the nonprofit, volunteer-staffed organization has enrolled thousands of members.

After Harvey, the Cajun Navy reportedly received a number of requests from the public asking how they could help.

Leaders say the resources they use to help in times of disaster come out of the group’s own pocket, which is why they set up a wish list for anyone interested in making a donation.

If you’re interested in donating, you can read more here.

RELATED: This footage of the Louisiana flood will put things in perspective

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