Houston residents are unknowingly buying sick pug puppies, and the results are tragic

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A watchdog woman is blowing the whistle on a local man who is allegedly selling pug puppies for $600, with full knowledge that the dogs are sick.

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At least a dozen people across the Houston area have bought the puppies from the man over Craigslist and other online sites, and they have later claimed the pets died shortly afterward from parvo, a virus that attacks the heart muscles of the puppies.

“These people are buying puppies for $600 from a man in a parking lot from a box. I am worried about the deplorable conditions that these puppies are being born in but I am even more worried about the health of the mothers that are being forced to breed over and over again,” Erika Landers, intake and adoption manager at PugHearts of Houston, said.”The only warning sign is that the puppy is small too small to be an 8-week pug.”

She says that the seller tells the buyers that the puppy is the “runt” of the litter.

An investigation by Fox 26’s Angela Chen and PugHearts of Houston reveals that neither the Houston SPCA or Houston Humane Society are working the case because “it is a civil matter between the seller and buyer.” However, the Harris County D.A.’s office has asked the Harris County Precinct 5 Animal Crimes Unit to investigate into the matter.

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The Fox station has a photo of the alleged puppy seller here. Anyone with information on the man should call Harris County Precinct 5 at 281-463-6666.

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