A kid selling candy was scolded by a nasty old woman until a good Samaritan stepped in

"Video Capturing Girl Getting Scolded By Shopper For Selling Candy Outside Target Goes Viral"

As a group of young black kids stood outside of a Rowland Heights Target store to sell sweets and treats, an elderly woman approached them, demanding to see a license.

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“She comes up to the little kids like, ‘Where is your license? Have you asked permission to be here?'” shopper Andy Lizarraga told CBS Los Angeles.

Lizarraga recorded the entire confrontation between the woman and the children. Since posting it to Facebook last week, the video viral has over 5 million views and 70,000 shares.

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“I showed it to friends and family, not intending it to go viral at all,” she said.

Lizarraga admitted the older woman was “harassing” the teenage kids. In response, the children selling candy said they were just “trying to make some money.”

The woman proceeded to yell at the teenagers and threatened them with jail and potential police authorities, shortly before another shopper, Jay Lopez, stepped in.

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“I’m buying it all!” he said, as shown in the video.

Lopez offered to purchase all of the candy the kids were selling to not only diffuse the situation but also support such hard-workers.

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“I’m gonna come out right now and get your cash,” said Lopez, inevitably purchasing $80 worth of candy.

He handed them out to shoppers passing by, telling the older woman she should “be ashamed” of herself.

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“Mind your own business, take care of yourself and your family and everything else will come together for you,” he said.

Lopez added that if the kids were instead white and selling Girl Scout Cookies, matters would’ve started and ended much differently.

“I’m not putting race into this but I bet it would’ve been a whole different story.”

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