Cute Beagle sounds exactly like a TIE Fighter from “Star Wars”

YouTube screenshot -- beagle sounds like star wars tie fighter -- Andrew Saunders

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this!”

Videos By Rare

If you love “Star Wars,” you know the iconic roar of the twin ion engines that give the TIE Fighters their awesome flight sounds.

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This dog might be the cutest “Star Wars” fan, because her barks of joy sound exactly like the empire’s fighters.

The video cuts together footage of the beagle freaking out and footage of the TIE fighters fighting the Millennium Falcon from “Star Wars: A New Hope”.

Geraldine, the beagle from the video, is pretty much the perfect dog, it seems. Let’s hope that she was only at the vet for a check up.

The Force is strong with this one.

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