Everybody can enjoy these movie posters for the most famous films that never were

Movie posters are quickly becoming a thing of the past, as a lot of people have moved from watching movies in the theaters to watching them on the computer. Rather than rent a film from a brick-and-mortar store, we use Netflix or Hulu.

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In fact, the only place you’re likely to encounter a movie poster today is in a dive bar or college apartment — and then it’s almost always an advertisement for an Orson Welles or Bill Murray film. But a few of the enterprising Photoshop aficionados on Reddit decided to get creative with movie posters and create some for films that never were.

Two of the most famous action stars alive star in “The Caterer.”


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Admit it, you would go see “50 Shades of Cage”


What would “Sherlock” look like as a romantic comedy?


You can’t handle the truth!



We don’t even know what might happen in this film, but props on the Photoshop skills.


RELATED: Reddit’s photoshop geniuses decided that this sad cat in a sweater needed some cheering up

Another film based off a game. And another movie we would definitely watch.


Some movies you just never want to see.


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