Not everyone is cut out for yoga, but that won’t stop this T.rex from trying to live his most zen life

T.rex yoga is the ultimate struggle!

Videos By Rare

If you’ve ever attended a yoga class, you know it takes a certain amount of balance, strength and poise to seamlessly flow through the postures. From downward facing dog to warrior pose, some of those postures are tricky! Sure, anyone can make it through 60 minutes of the exercise, but not everyone looks good doing it. Case in point: this T.rex doing his best to look graceful on a yoga mat.

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The TrexTuesdays Facebook page shared the funny video on July 11 and it has since amassed more than 231,000 views. In the clip, a jolly T.rex is seen laying out his mat in a lush, grassy area for a little yoga en plein air. After a brief warm-up, the T.rex begins to do the sun salutation series of stretches but immediately finds his arms to be too short! From there he moves into the warrior sequence to really work those quads and hamstrings.

You’ve gotta hand it to him, though. As soon as he falls down, he gets right back up!

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