Reporter Accidentally Gets High After Inhaling Fumes From a Burning Pile of Drugs

YouTube:The Young Turks

Oh man, what would I have done to see this live. A video from 2013 is going viral showing a BBC reporter accidentally getting high while shooting a segment. Basically, this poor man inhaled fumes from a pile of drugs that was burning behind him. My dude didn’t even see it coming.

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Who is this journalist? None other than Quentin Sommerville, BBC’s Middle East correspondent. He was reporting for an open field and desperately tried to finish his report. The reason it went viral in the first place is because Sommerville struggles to finish his lines, as he giggles after realizing that he accidentally got high. Whoops!

Quentin Sommerville Recalls Viral Video

He truly tried to keep a straight face, but those fumes got to him and the uncontrollable laughter even caused the poor cameraman to burst out laughing. “Burning behind me is 8½ tons of heroin, opium, hashish, and other narcotics,” Sommerville states before the hilarious giggles start to kick in.

The two men quickly try to continue with some retakes, but it’s clear that this man is out of his mind by the look on his face. The fumes were so strong that the BBC reporter even botched his second attempt to say his line, causing the camera to shift as you heard laughter behind it. 

Quentin Sommerville on Twitter

As expected, he went viral back then after he decided to share the clip online. Believe it or not, he is still BBC’s Middle East Correspondent and is known for his dedication to getting the perfect clip despite the dangers. A few months ago he came close to being hit by a rocket in Ukraine. He also spent a full week with Ukrainian forces in Kharkiv as they were fighting to stop the Russian advance.  

Seems to me like this man is kind of a badass.

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