We Played ‘Speak Out’ and Made Total Fools of Ourselves (So it Went Great)

Facebook: Faves USA

If you follow us on our social media pages, mainly Facebook, you know Rob and I always love to go crazy when it comes to live videos. We usually like to talk about an article we found interesting or ridiculous that week, or do a crazy challenge. A few months ago we decided to partake in the hot sauce challenge, which we instantly regretted, but hey, we aren’t quitters. This time around, we decided to play a game. And boy oh boy, it involved a lot of saliva.

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Have you ever heard of Speak Out? Besides Cards of Humanity, I feel like this ridiculous mouthpiece challenge game is one of the most hilarious and fun games I have ever played in my life. The Speak Out game has slowly been making its rounds on social media, becoming a fan favorite. It was first announced in the Hasbro Gaming book back in June 2016 and has now become a cultural phenomenon. It’s definitely not your typical board game.


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Sold on Amazon, at Walmart and Target, the card game brings together family and friends for “laugh-out-loud” fun as the player tries to say different quirky phrases. Not only that, but players also wear a ridiculous mouthpiece that won’t let them shut their mouths.

Players then draw from a deck of cards and read the phrase as best as they can, but obviously, it’s not that easy as it looks. Trust me, we couldn’t get through the first card without drooling all over ourselves looking like careless clowns!As far as germs, no worries, you can always pop in your mouthpiece in the dishwasher and boom, you’re good!

But wait, there’s a catch! There is a timer that counts down as the players try to say different phrases such as “stealthy pet ferret name Garrett”, or “Pelicans love pollywog falafels.” How do you win? Well, the team with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

It’s really the perfect party game for the ultimate game night! Think of it as a kids vs parents game! Plus, it’s been played and has been approved by Ellen DeGenerous herself, so you know it’s a must-try! I mean, we had a blast playing it, so much so that we bought two of them.

Leave it to Hasbro games to create the ultimate must-have.

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