Generation Gap: These girls are tired of explaining their jobs to their parents

A lot of millennials these days have jobs that are really hard to explain to people who grew up in a time before the internet and social media were such pervasive forces in our daily lives.

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If you’re in media, like us, times look a lot different than they used to. We wear a lot more hats than traditional journalists once did. Our jobs involve a lot of maneuvering and leveraging social media, and it’s practically all done online now.

RELATED: Generation Gap: Why we’re so bad with commitments

Because the internet connects us all so closely now, many millennials work from home. They manage to get a lot of work done, all while sitting on the couch in their pajamas.

So if your child or grandchild is claiming to do work while sitting at home in the PJs, they probably are telling you the truth.

Kids these days! Lazy, entitled and self-absorbed, amirite? Well, we’re here to remind you – we’re rocking our bad rep just like every generation that came before us (lookin’ at you Baby Boomers and Gen Xers). Kendall and Jessica are here to bridge the Generation Gap and remind you that there’s more that unites us than divides us. Let us be your guides into the crazy lives of your kids and grandkids. Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday!

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