Homeowner Catches Black Bears ‘Dancing’ in The Driveway

Fox 35 Orlando

It takes two to tango, or whatever it is you want to call what two black bears were doing in a Naples, Florida, driveway.

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Whatever you want to call it, the younger bears were clearly having fun. And not surprisingly, the video captured by homeowners Lou and Nancy Vinciguerra has gone viral.

So what exactly were the bears doing? Mostly, it appears they were just enjoying themselves.

“I called it dancing, but I guess it’s how they play,” Lou told FOX 35 in Orlando.

These bears aren’t the first to be captured on the Vinciguerra’s security camera. This particular driveway could actually serve as quiet the wildlife expedition, it seems.

“Bears, bobcats, wild boar, and plain old deer. But usually they are just passing through,” Lou told FOX 35.

He then added the following disclaimer, of which we now have evidence: “Only the bears are entertaining.”

Although this is pretty cute, imagine waking up to this one random morning. You’re just walking outside, drinking your coffee, ready to get into your car to drive to work, you turn right, and BAM. TWO BLACK BEARS FIGHTING EACH OTHER. Yeah, big nope. I would run right back into my house, tell my boss I’m sick, and call it a day.

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