Here’s what happened when this male bird didn’t stop to ask for directions

YouTube screenshot -- Vermilion Flycatcher seen in Maine

A Vermilion Flycatcher was found thousands of miles from home — in an Osprey nest in Maine.

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The rare, colorful bird typically calls the Southwestern United States home, yet inexplicably was discovered on a nest camera hosted by Audubon and located on Audubon’s Hog Island.

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“Vermilion Flycatchers undoubtedly wander out of range every year,” Kenn Kaufman, Audubon field editor, told “But as you move farther and farther away from the core range, your chances of finding such a bird become vanishingly remote. Even when it’s a bright red male like this, it’s a very tiny needle in a vast haystack.”

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It’s the first time in the state’s history that the bird was found there, or as Kaufman put it, an “insane coincidence.”

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