The war on Dana Loesch, and women like her

Dana Loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host. Dana is a contributor and host on TheBlaze. Dana is a regular fixture on Fox News and was once a contributor to CNN. Dana has been married to the same man for over a decade. Dana is the mother of two children. Dana favors the Second Amendment and openly supports it. She is a guest host Monday on ABC’s The View.

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According to Moms Demand Action, she’s a murderer in cahoots with the NRA and Magpul to kill our children.

Their website states that Moms Demand Action (MDA) was created, “… to demand action from legislators, state and federal; companies; and educational institutions to establish common-sense gun reforms.”

We could all get behind common-sense gun reforms, one might think. But for MDA that means celebrating Starbucks’ decision to ban guns from their stores. One could conclude, based on this, that MDA thinks that guns should not be carried. That’s not a common-sense gun reform, that’s proactively wanting a society to disarm and leave people vulnerable.

They also oppose the use of the Internet as a way to advertise and sell guns. Recently, they went after Facebook and Instagram asking them  “… to immediately enact a policy prohibiting all sales and trades of firearms on their platforms.” That’s not common-sense gun reforms. That’s telling business owners that they can’t sell their legal wares and feed their families.

On January 9, 2014, MDA wrote a press release praising retiring Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy. In the release, they stated, “Representative McCarthy is a shining example of what a self-professed ‘ordinary wife and mother’ can do when she sets her mind to politics.”

Rep. McCarthy once professed this about guns: If they’re not in the stores, they can’t be bought.

That’s not a common-sense gun reform. That’s fascism.

Dana Loesch, agreed, is not an ordinary wife and mother. By all accounts, she might be extraordinary. She was a self-described liberal until she had her first son and realized that liberal thoughts and ideas about men and masculinity were at odds with her now over-riding need to give her son the best life possible.

She, along with her husband Chris Loesch, homeschool their two children. They did so in their native Missouri, and continue to do so in Texas, where she moved to do her work on TheBlaze as a contributor and host of “Dana,” the weekly one-hour talk show.

Dana broke into radio by, at first, talking about mom issues. She was a “mommy blogger,” writing under the website Mamalogues, which is where I first became aware of her. She was a regular guest of the morning show. The station program director Jeff Allen, recognizing the skill set, brought Dana in to Sunday nights. From there, it was a one-hour daily show. After that, it was making her the mid-day host.

She built that radio career while starting the St. Louis Tea Party, while homeschooling her children, while being the editor of one of Andrew Breitbart’s “Big” sites and while taking the time and energy necessary to research the importance and value of the Second Amendment. In September 2014, she’ll release Defenseless, her first book on the subject.

Dana is a woman who is not only a mom (heh … ONLY a mom!) but has a growing career, a wonderful family and is steadily rising to the top of an industry dominated by men. Isn’t that exactly what Progressive Women keep telling women what they should be (I mean, except for the keeping the babies part?)

Moms Demand Action doesn’t think so. In responding to Dana’s imminent guest spot on The View, founder Shannon Watts took to Twitter to express her disappointment:

Disappointed @theviewtv having #DanaLoesch on. @JennyMcCarthy @WhoopiGoldberg @SherriEShepherd need #gunsense – I’ll watch @TheTalk_CBS

She continued:

#Gunbully #DanaLoesch on @theviewtv on Monday. Will mislead about how guns make women, children safer to make $$. Sad. #momsdemand #gunsense

Gun lobby and #Magpul pay #DanaLoesch to promote lies about guns – not appropriate guest for @theviewtv … #momsdemand

Will tune in to @TheTalk_CBS on Monday to avoid guests on @theviewtv who get $$ from #magpul and spread gun lobby propaganda #momsdemand

Others used The View’s Facebook page to launch their attacks, even blaming Dana for the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School:

I find it very offensive you are employing Dana Loesch as a guest host. Dana is a spokesperson for Magpul, the company that manufactured the 30-round ammunition magazines that Adam Lanza used to kill 20 children and 6 adults with at the Sandy Hook massacre…The women and mothers who watch The View loyally deserve far better from your program.

Of course Adam Lanza had an AR-15, several 30 round mags, and a shotgun and pistol. What the hell do you think he murdered 26 people with? A rubber band gun? Ignorant shits like you turn my stomach. And she is NOT an intelligent woman speaking her mind. She is nothing but a whore for big business. I will never have anything to do with The View as long as they cater to the ignorance and stupidity of Americans by having crap like this on their show.

Congratulations on having an accomplice to murder on your show!

Progressive demagogues Media Matters have also pushed to keep Dana off The View, shaming ABC for trying to “mainstream” her.

According to The Examiner, Dana has invited Watts onto her program on TheBlaze, but she has refused the invitation. Watts won’t talk to Dana, and doesn’t want The View – or anyone else – to talk to Dana.

Effectively, Watts has engaged Rule #13 in Saul Alinksy’s Rules For Radicals – Pick the Target. Personalize it. Freeze it and Polarize it. For Watts, Moms Demand Action and their like-minded minions, a woman is only a woman (and a mother is only a mother) if they agree with Watts. Dana is a woman, Dana is a mother and Dana believes in the importance of the Second Amendment and the Constitution.

As she stated in response to Watts’ call to keep her off The View:

The Moms Demand people apparently have a problem with the 1st Amendment in addition to the 2nd

Dana has no problems. A mother, a wife, a syndicated radio host, an author, a television host, a public speaker and, now, guest host of The View. Dana Loesch seems to have it all.

Mothers should be cheering her name. Watts and Media Matters wants her name, and her thoughts, stricken from the public discourse. The War on Women continues, and Dana marches on.

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