Could You Survive, Let Alone Pass, This Marine Corps Training Simulation?

It’s considered to be one of the most stressful, intense training simulations in the Marine Corps. Do you think you could handle it?

Videos By Rare

The Helicopter Underwater Egress Trainer (HUET) at Camp Lejeune is seriously hardcore.

The trainer simulates a crash landing over water. The helicopter then spins upside down and fills with water.

Okay. First step… out of the way. Now… remember, you are standing while that’s happening. Yes, Marines in the trainer have to be prepared. What do they need to be doing? Well, obviously brace for impact. Oh… and identify exit points. And then surface for air and do a head count. One more thing, they have to do it all blindfolded and in full gear.

The training is intense, but the hope is that it will help Marines successfully escape a sinking helicopter in a real-life crash situation.

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