A fast food employee is accused of doing the most vile thing to a customer’s burger — grab your barf bags


A Mississippi fast food restaurant and state authorities are investigating explosive claims that an employee, who the company says was fired for “unrelated reasons” before learning of the allegations, put her menstrual blood on a burger that was also licked and served to a customer.

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Tabatha Hollins posted on Facebook that her 16-year-old daughter, who was fired from her job at Jack’s Family Restaurant, Inc. in Columbia, Miss. for “false[ly] reporting” the alleged incident, witnessed something truly awful on Jan. 7.

Here’s what she wrote:

I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT JACKS IN COLUMBUS,MS IS NASTY!!! My daughter saw another worker put her period blood and lick cheese that went on a customers burger. My daughter told the asst that was on duty and the asst still brought the food out to the customer!!! We called the store to try and talk to the general manager and they wouldn’t give her the numbers to get a hold of a manager. We then called corporate who again did nothing!! They called my daughter in today and told her she was to resign or quit when she asked why they told her because her family made false reports! Well here is your false report the girl is on recording telling my daughter they can’t prove anything cause they didn’t have video!! There is a poor woman walking around not knowing anything. So if u went to Jack’s between 10:00pm and 10:30pm on 1/7/2017 and u order the big jack with a sprite u got more then ketchup!!! 

Hollins included a cell phone recording in the post of conversation between her daughter and the employee in question. She would follow up with a comment saying that a Jack’s regional manager admitted in a meeting that the restaurant, in her words, “dropped the ball.”

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In a statement given to WCBI, the company responded to the allegations by saying they are investigating and that the person accused no longer works for the restaurant for “unrelated reasons.”

I received your message on contacting you in regards to allegations in Columbus, MS at our Jack’s. Food safety is our top priority at all Jack’s Restaurants. As part of our rigorous food safety program, Jack’s maintains strict food handling policies and procedures that all team members must follow.

Jack’s was recently made aware of an audio tape recording posted on social media, which allegedly claims that an employee at a restaurant in Columbus, MS potentially violated our stringent safety standards. The employee allegedly involved in this incident was terminated several days ago for unrelated reasons and no longer works for us. At the time of her dismissal Jack’s was not aware of these allegations.

At Jack’s, we take these allegations very seriously and are working to determine the validity of these claims. Additionally, we are committed to taking further action if appropriate.

Thank you for reaching out.

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Director of communications for the Mississippi Department of Health Liz Sharlot, according to the Commercial Dispatch, that an inspection of the restaurant was performed and that it is safe to eat there.

“Our investigator did a thorough investigation of the restaurant and talked to restaurant management about their policies and procedures,” she said. “We have determined that the restaurant is perfectly safe for people to eat there.

Sharlot also said that the case has been forwarded to police since an accusation of “intentional contamination” has been made.

Police Chief Oscar Lewis confirmed that authorities have enough to open an official case.

“There has been a lot of information on this case out in social media already,” he told WCBI. “We have had to sift through to determine what was fact and what was not. At this point, we know enough to open an official case and that is what we are doing today.”

Police have declined to identify the accused and have been in contact with the customer who said to have received the tainted burger.

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