A newly released video clip shows Hillary Clinton practice avoiding Donald Trump’s debate hugs

Twitter/Philippe Reines

A newly released video clip shows then-candidate Hillary Clinton practicing to avoid Donald Trump’s hugs during the debates.

Videos By Rare

The video was posted by Philippe Reines, who played Trump in debate preparation with Clinton, after reports started circulating that former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey was “disgusted” by Trump’s hug at a White House photo op.

The video shows Clinton walking across a faux debate stage toward Reines and trying to slyly evade him as he tries to hug her. Reines/fake Trump wasn’t about to have it though and proceeded to jokingly chase her and give her one of Trump’s famous hugs.

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“Not easy to avoid the unwanted Trump hug, sometimes it even takes practice… A favorite moment from debate prep (9/24/16),” Reines wrote in his tweet.

Clinton thought the video was hilarious and replied to the tweet by saying that it made her laugh. “I burst out laughing when I saw this video this morning. Hope it brightens your day,” the former presidential candidate wrote in her own tweet.

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