EMTs with Hearts of Gold Finish Dad’s Chore After Heart Attack

Firefighters Lawn Care

When you need to call the EMTs, all you can hope for is that they arrive in time. Most First Responders are involved in thankless work; they handle and manage the crisis, leave you in good hands at the hospital, and are on their way to the next call without even catching a five-minute break. More than trained professionals, EMTs are also experts on the human condition as they brush shoulders with death daily. They grieve with us when things take a turn for the worst, celebrate with us when all is well, and in the case of this Florida family, they also lay down sod.

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The Work family had a tragic experience this weekend when father Gene suffered a heart attack. A heart attack is literally the last thing you ever want to handle, but add that to the stress of meeting his home’s HOA guidelines in time, and it was a recipe for disaster. That’s right, his HOA.

Facebook: Melissa Ann Work

Melissa Ann Work shared the full story on Facebook.

I don’t know how to start this, but PLEASE read and PLEASE PLEASE share!!!!!
Before my husband had his massive heart attack, he was working on the sod with my amazing brother-in-law. That is what triggered and set it off. We had just received our last 4 palettes and were going to finish it. It’s been my husband’s biggest stress as our HOA date to fine us a huge amount was getting closer.

While he was having his heart attack, literally in and out of consciousness, he kept begging me to figure out the sod and have it put down because he didn’t want it to go to waste and die. It’s ALL he kept asking about literally during a massive heart attack. LOL. I calmed him and kept saying “Jesus will help us. It’s ok. Jesus will figure this out babe.”

We were sent off to the hospital and my incredible brother-in-law (who witnessed the heart attack) stayed back with my 2 year old niece. He was planning on staying there by himself until midnight to get it finished. He finished getting the old grass out and then began laying a few rows of the new sod.

As he was laying it, he heard huge trucks driving back down the road. He turned around and saw the fire truck and ambulance had come back. He was confused and thought they were coming to check on him.
Before he knows it, 7 firefighters and EMT’s jumped out, put on gloves and said they came back because they knew Gene was in serious trouble and they wanted to lay the new sod so it didn’t die. They knew he wouldn’t be able to do any work for weeks so they came back.

They came back!!! They saved his life, dropped him off and then cared enough to save our GRASS!!
They didn’t know our HOA was going to fine us.
They didn’t know that this guy’s wife (Me) is about to fight for my own life during my bone marrow transplant next month.
They didn’t know that my husband pawned his favorite gun to pay for the sod that he thought was going to die.
They didn’t know all we have been through as a little family.
They simply saw someone in need, something in need and did this for us. This wasn’t in their job description.
We have no words. Just sobbing.

PLEASE help us get these men honored! PLEASE help us find them so we can thank them!!!

Facebook: Melissa Ann Work

The Work family has been dealt an excruciating hand lately, especially considering mom Melissa’s upcoming bone marrow transplant. If you have any idea who these EMTs are, please reach out to her so she properly thank these heroes!

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