Horrifying video captures a couple who overdosed together and the little ones they left in the backseat


Authorities in Florida were called in this week after customers at a gas station found a man and woman, who appeared to have overdosed on narcotics, sitting in a parked car.

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According to reports, the two were passed out in a car that also contained two small children and a large supply of drugs and paraphernalia.

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According to the Bradenton Herald, “in the front seats of the SUV were 36-year-old William Ballard and 32-year-old Delaney Crissinger, both unconscious. A 5-month-old and an 18-month-old were in car seats.”

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Police found drugs strewn about the car, including a syringe with a brown substance next to a container of baby formula. Once authorities turned off the engine and opened the doors, the two adults came to.

“Ballard faces charges of driving with license revoked, child neglect and possession of meth and heroin with intent to sell. Crissinger faces charges of child neglect and possession of meth and drug paraphernalia,” the Bradenton Herald reported.

Crissinger and Ballard are far from the first couple to be found overdosed with children in the car. In 2016, several similar stories went viral, as more and more families coped with losing someone to opiate addiction.

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