Did you know there’s a U.S. patent on cannabis for the treatment of cancers?

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Kurt Wallace: This is Kurt Wallace and our guest today on Rare is Ty Bollinger author of “Unlock the Power to Heal” and Ty, thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ty Bollinger: Hey Kurt, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.

Kurt Wallace: Ty, in your book you cover a ton of material related to issues around big pharma. A Canadian news channel CBC did a story on the secrets of sugar. More stories are now coming out about the mass consumption of sugar and it’s relationship to diseases. But what about sugar in disguise? Specifically aspartame, what is aspartame and what are the health risks in consuming it?

Ty Bollinger: Well, aspartame is an artificial sweetener that’s used in, aspartame is almost ubiquitous with sugar today. It’s in many many goods that people would never think that aspartame is in. It’s a non-calorie sweetener. It was originally developed by scientist at G.D. Searle back in the 60’s who was testing ulcer drugs and he found that one of the ulcer drugs was actually sweet to the taste, and he began to tweak it, and that was the initial formation of aspartame.

Now all the testing that was done in the 70’s even by the FDA itself showed that aspartame was toxic that it was neurotoxic, that it causes brain lesions and headaches and dizziness and all of the kinds of issues, neurological issues. They could not get it passed until they finally switch heads of the FDA. They said ‘hey this FDA head won’t pass this because it’s too toxic we’re going to get rid of him, we’re gonna put the head of the FDA.’ And this happen around 1980. We’ll pass it and so he got in and it was really kind of a kangaroo court when they finally got it introduced into the food supply. It shouldn’t ever been introduced because all of the testing that was done on aspartame shows that it not only causes problems with headaches and dizziness but it also causes cancers. And so this is the substance that now is in almost I would have to say in excess of 50% of processed foods if you look you’re gonna find aspartame.

Kurt Wallace: Well, there’s sugar in everything but there’s also issues around genetically modified organisms and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, there’s a news story that just came out that they’re joining the fight to make sure that companies label their food GMO. What are the dangers of GMO?

Ty Bollinger: Well, the dangers of GMO that were evidenced by the study that was published in the fall 2012 by a group of scientist headed by Séralini in France at the University of Caen in France. They show that GMOs are causing cancer they’re causing premature death in these rats. And they test them on rats because rats have a shorter life cycle and you can see what it does to them quickly and rats are almost genetically identical to humans except for just a few things. The rats system is very very much similar to the human.

So, you can see what substances are gonna have, the effects they’re gonna have on humans by testing them on rats. And they showed that these genetically modified foods specifically the corn in which is why high fructose corn syrup is so dangerous. You know you talk about sugar and high fructose corn syrup, well that’s from genetically modified corn. This study showed that the genetically modified corn is causing premature death in those that lived it is causing cancer in up to 80 % of the rats. Now the mainstream tried to poopoo this study. They tried discredit it. They tried to say that it wasn’t valid and so forth. The bottom line is the only difference between this study and the studies that Monsanto did on genetically modified foods was that this study was carried after two years and they gave the rats time enough to develop the tumors whereas Monsanto always pulled the plug on the studies at about 90 days. And so the rats just didn’t have time to develop tumors which typically started at about 120 days.

Kurt Wallace: In your book you talk about cannabis and you talk about cancer. You give a quote by Thomas Jefferson on hemp. This is a big issue. It’s a big fight across the United States right now. Different states are legalizing medical marijuana or marijuana for all uses and we’re seeing that its able to treat this young girl who has epilepsy and is getting 100 seizures a day. Her parents moved them to Colorado so that she could get treatment for that but specifically you talk about something that I’ve never seen before which is a big pharma patent on cannabinoids that are actually treatment for cancer?

Ty Bollinger: Yeah well the cannabinoids are the chemicals within the hemp plant. What I like to call it hemp or cannabis it’s not really marijuana. Marijuana was a term developed in the 1930s to demonize this plant and make us afraid of it. And so it really is cannabis or its hemp. But yeah, big pharma owns the patent on the cannabinoids in the hemp plant. So, cannabinoids are where the medicinal benefits come from. And you have two major cannabinoids in the hemp plant that you hear a lot about. One is THC that’s Tetrahydrocannabinol CBD which is Cannabidiol. Now these are two different cannabinoids and they have different medicinal effects.

But they’re both very effective at cancer and that has been shown in dozens of studies since 1974 which is when the first study is performed on THC and it’s effects on cancer. It was done at the University of Virginia Medical School. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health and they wanted to show (this is right after Tricky Dick declared a war on cancer and a war on drugs). And they were trying to show that marijuana causes cancer. Unfortunate for the government at that point the study had actually showed that there were three different types of cancer that the hemp plant was protective against. In other words it was therapeutic it didn’t cause cancer it was protective against these types of cancer. They buried that study – they did not release it. Most people have never heard about this study at the University of Virginia in 1974. But since that time dozens more studies have been done on the hemp plant, on the cannabinoids and they’ve all shown that its protective up to twelve different types of cancer. From Pancreatic cancer to uterine, cervical, prostate and lung cancer and so on. And so that’s the reality of these cannabinoids they are very effective medicinal substances. And they’re very effective with epileptic seizures that we mentioned in the book.

And I think that’s one of the reasons why this plant has been demonized so much. Because it is a big competition against pharmaceuticals drugs. And maybe that’s why big pharma has patented the cannabinoids. They’re gonna probably tweak them and patent them. Or they’ve already patented them, they’re gonna try to tweak them and sell them and keep the same benefits. Because they know that there are big benefits in this plant. But they just can’t have it available to everybody. They’ve gotta patent it, they’ve gotta own it so that the price can be exorbitant. And they can continue their trillion-dollar scam.

Kurt Wallace: Now what is the U.S. Patent? Is there an U.S. patent number that people can look up?

Ty Bollinger: Yeah let’s see the patent number is US 2013005901881, that’s the patent on the Phytocannabinoids and the treatment of cancers. They have patented specifically the effects of these cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer. Which is really the biggie, it’s very effective at treating cancer. Not only effective at shrinking tumors and causing the the cancer cells to commit whats called apoptosis which is program cell death. But it’s also very effective for the folks that are undergoing traditional cancer treatment that are maybe sick, nauseated, don’t have any kind of an appetite. It does stimulate the appetite. It does squelch nausea, help you be able to hold down food. Not die os the wasting syndrome many cancer patients die of which is called cachexia.

Kurt Wallace: Are hemp CBDs the cannabinoids available at this point anywhere?

Ty Bollinger: Yeah, see that’s a great questions Kurt because most people don’t understand that you can right now purchase hemp oil that’s high in CBD in all 50 states. They think that you have to get up and move to Colorado or Washington State or California where you have medicinal marijuana in the stores but you don’t. If you want high CBD hemp oil you can purchase it online right now and have it delivered to your door. It’s only when you have the THC that it’s only available in those states. Now the THC is the psychoactive component that’s what will get you high. CBD is not psychoactive so the CBD hemp oil is now legal in all 50 states and the place that we purchase ours is at Hemp Meds PX. I’m not affiliated with them but that’s the best place that I know you can get it.

Kurt Wallace: I love the quote that you have from Thomas Jefferson ‘Hemp is the first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country’ And we’ve been deprived of hemp for textile use. Obviously for medical purposes and then the treatment for people that want to use the THC version for different mental issues or emotional issues – PTSD. Things that can help them in dealing with the pain that they’re going through, physical pain as well.

Ty Bollinger: Yeah, you know that would be one solution to our economic woes in the Untied States is to legalize it. And you know even the hight THC hemp and just have it grown all over the United States. The uses we’ve only really touched on the medicinal uses but you mentioned the textile the industrial uses for hemp are amazing. As a matter of fact one of the first model Ts from Henry Ford was built with hemp fiber and ran on hemp fuel. So the uses of hemp are just amazing and it really could get us out of this economic depression that we’re in right now if we would just legalize the growing of hemp across the board in all 50 states.

Kurt Wallace: Ty Bollinger author of Unlock the Power to Heal along with co-author Robert Scott Bell thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ty Bollinger: Thank you Kurt I really appreciate it.

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