Race car driver to launch “Save the U.S. Constitution” car to over a million people

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Kurt Wallace: This is Kurt Wallace and our guest today on Rare is Roger Carter of Roger Carter 2 Racing, and Roger thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Roger Carter: Thanks for having me on the show I sure appreciate being here.

Kurt Wallace: Tell us about your year racing in the ARCA series.

Roger Carter: Well, this series has been a bit up and down for us. We’re a two car team Carter 2 Motorsports is the banner we go under and it’s been a little up and down. We’ve had some decent finishes one in the top 10 and one 11th place that I had at Pocono. And what were doing here in Kentucky we’re kicking off our “Save the US Constitution Tour” and what that is to bring awareness to the United States Constitution and our liberties that are at risk here. And we’re just trying to put some of our supporters together that we have each time we do the constitution tour. It’s a live TV race on FOX Sports 1. We’re just trying to bring awareness to the constitution and get back to what our forefathers originally wrote that great document as.

Kurt Wallace: Now you have this race car that you’ve introduced. It’s sponsored by ‘We the People’ what does that mean that it’s sponsored by ‘We the People’?

Roger Carter: We the People is the whole of the United States citizens and when I say it’s sponsored by ‘We the People’ I funded it myself and several others have put in funding too to get the car on the race track. So, we call it the ‘We the People’ car because it’s the people that stand up for the Constitution that believe in that as we do and help support the program. It did really well.

We ran a similar campaign back in 2006 and 7 prior to when I was handling the Ron Paul campaign on my race cars as well. But it did really well back then and now with the social media where it’s at and the direction that this country is even worse in. We’re really expecting it to take off and do real well for us. We’re pretty excited about it and we have a real nice race car I think that it will sell out real well and help bring awareness to it.

Kurt Wallace: Are you concerned about any kind of blowback in terms of sponsors or any political concerns that people may have that may not think that this is the appropriate thing to put on a car.

Roger Carter: Well, I’ve dealt with this is the past and pretty much everyone in my industry and all my peers know me very well that I’m pretty outspoken. I don’t sell out for what I don’t believe in. I have lost some corporate deals because of this, I have lost some driver deals because of it. You know I do a lot of development driving for young drivers. I have lost some deals over that. But with that being said I’ve gained more than I’ve lost with respect to the people within the community that believes in the constitution and should stand for the rights of our country.

I can’t imagine anyone selling out our own country because of their worried about a monetary gain. I really think that’s part of our problem is in this country that everybody so focused on the financial end instead of what they should be focused on. Which is our rights and being able to exist in a country that still has our freedoms and don’t have to worry about some of the things that are going on in this country today.

Kurt Wallace: In your own personal evolution in learning about liberty and understanding what the constitution means, could you tell us about that.

Roger Carter: Well, how I got involved in this was kind of a bad circumstance. I’ve been a business person for many years. I owned three car dealerships at one time. I had some employee embezzlement and I got caught up in being out of trust in my car dealerships. And the justice system kind of came at me when I went through the court system I realized at this point (this was about 12, 13 years ago) I realized at that point that we no longer can utilize our rights in this country. Just from the right to face your accuser to the simple things in our constitution that we were granted the right to have. And it started with the justice system with me and then it’s carried on much further than that as far as our right to bear arms. I’m a big believer that we should be able to bear arms even though in my particular circumstance I’m not allowed to because of the current laws.

You know everything to do with that document if we look at one part of our right that’s being taken away even if someone says well that really doesn’t pertain to me, I really don’t care about that. It still comes back to that’s one more freedom that’s been taken away from us. So, I really support our constitution in it’s form that it was written. Because when we get away from that and they start making all these amendments and the way we’re going on it the document is basically not what we originally intended to start out as. And it’s just unfortunate to see where our country has from that it’s very depressing for me.

Kurt Wallace: Well, in terms of this spirited event that you’re going to be participating in promoting the US Constitution ‘We the People’ how many viewers do you think could be expected for the event and where could people go to support your effort in promoting the constitution?

Roger Carter: Well, that Kentucky race carries a good TV rating its on live FOX Sports 1 and it will be the number 97 ‘Save the US Constitution’ car. You will see on my webpage and Facebook page the easiest way to log on to that will be my like page which is Carter 2 Motorsports and you can see on there how to help support the program and a picture of the car and all of what we stand for and that would be the best way for someone to see that. The race is September 19th and I believe it’s at 5 pm. Like I say it’s live FOX Sports 1 it’s a very large viewership so we’re going to be in front of well over a million people.

Kurt Wallace: Roger Carter, Roger Carter 2 Racing on Facebook thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Roger Carter: No problem thank you for having us on I sure appreciate it.

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