Rare’s interview with Ben Carson on Cantor, Republican party and does he want to be the POTUS?

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Kurt Wallace: This is Kurt Wallace and our guest today on Rare is Dr. Ben Carson his new book One Nation: What we can all do to save America’s future, Dr. Carson thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ben Carson: It is my pleasure, thank you

Kurt Wallace: It’s great to have you on and I’ve been looking forward to interviewing you. But I have to ask first Eric Canto – he lost his primary to a challenger Dave Brat who supported him in the past but Brat running on a platform of free-market and fiscal sanity. What does this say about the influence of libertarians and the Tea Party? What are we seeing here?

Ben Carson: Well, this is not terribly surprising to me because I’ve been traveling all over the country and seeing what people are saying and what are thinking. People are almost in a state of panic about whats going on in our country. And both Repulicans and Democrats seem to get to Washington and then forget about the people and forget about the real issues and continue down the pathway of increasing government size and increasing spending and really not listening to their constituents. And even some of the conservatives who are there do the same thing, they become more concerned about their power and their positions then they do about the people. And I think in Cantor’s case he’s talking about you know some of these programs that are equated to amnesty but I dont think he’s actually advocating amnesty but really not making the distinction and you couple that with the large number of youngsters coming over the border in the last couple days. It was a perfect storm for Brat.

Kurt Wallace: So immigration is probably where Brat won?

Ben Carson: That’s exactly right, it was a perfect storm for him. But it should tell the conservatives what I and several people have been talking about for a long time. You got to have some spine! People are looking for people with spine, not jellyspine but steel spines who will stand up to the progressive agenda which is destroying America. That why I think you are going to see a huge change in November. It’s going to just like last night. People are going to be scratching their head – what happened here?

Kurt Wallace: Civil liberties issues like NSA spying and the TSA are unifying Americans against the state power and some suggest that civil liberties could attract people to the Republican party.What are your ideas on how conservatives can grow and shift power in Washington?

Ben Carson: Well, I think that the main thing that they have to do is remember that when you go to Washington you are working for the people. The people aren’t working for you. If they can just remember that abiding principle they will do just fine. And read the constitution and understand what it is that the central government is supposed to be doing and what they’re not supposed to be doing. I think what people are saying is please get out of our lives and do the things that you are supposed to do and let us alone. And if you do that your size will shrink and your need for all of our resources will shrink and we will be able to pursue the American dream. Just leave us alone and let us do it.

Kurt Wallace: So, basically what you are saying is politicians need some humility?

Ben Carson: That would be extremely helpful. But I think whether they have it or not the people are going to give it to them. Even if by force.

Kurt Wallace: If you are not humble you will be humiliated

Ben Carson: Thomas Jefferson said when the people fear the government you have tyranny when the government fears the people you have liberty.

Kurt Wallace: Well, you are being recruited by organizations like RunBenRun.com wanting you to jump into the presidential race in 2016. You are not a politician, why do you think people are attracted or gravitated to you with such excitment?

Ben Carson: Primarily because I’m talking about common sense. Things that we all know are correct but are afraid to say for the most part have been beaten into submission. And becasue I’m not going to yeild to them. To political correctness or to the progressive left no matter what they do. Because, you know, there is such a thing as right and wrong. And that’s one of the things that propelled us as a nation. To the pinnacle of the world in record time. We recognized that we had values and principles that guide our lives. And as we begin to throw those away for the sake of political correctness and as we begin to try to conform to everybody else in the world – we lose our exceptionalism. They should be conforming to us. Not us trying to accomidate them. That doesn’t mean that we can’t be kind and courteous to other people. But there is an American way of life and an American culture. And we should be proud of it. And we don’t have to compromise it so that everybody else can feel comfortable. If they want to be part of us then they need to be like we are.

Kurt Wallace: I know a lot of people have asked you ‘are you going to run for president’ my question to you is do you want to run for president? Do you want to be the president?

Ben Carson: Well, the second question is very easy – the answer is no. Why would any sane person want to do that. I mean have you noticed that everybody who goes in that office after about three years looks like they’ve been there 20 years.

Kurt Wallace: As a doctor you wouldn’t recommend things like that?

Ben Carson: It certainly was not my intention to move into the political realm. I found myself thrust there after the national prayer breakfast speech. But you know my preference would be for someone to come along who really wants to do that and understands the constitution. And understands personal freedom, responsibility. The place of the government versus the place of the people. The place of the states versus the place of the federal government. Understands business and how to get moving by deregulating in terms of the excessive regulations not the ones that are necessary. And knows how to get things done. I mean we need to reform the tax code, it’s absolutely absurd. And it’s a blanket over economic progess.

Kurt Wallace: Dr. Carson if you could change one just one single thing with a snap of a finger in Washington what would that one single thing be?

Dr. Ben Carson: I would probably want a balanced budget.

Kurt Wallace: Great answer!

Ben Carson: It would have to be a guiding principle.

Kurt Wallace: Tell us about your book One Nation?

Ben Carson: Well, the reason its been titled One Nation is a lot of people recognize that we the American people are not each others enemies. And I strength really lies and our unity but there are those elements of a society that want to divide us and that drive wedges into every possible crack. War on women, income wars, age wars, race wars – you name it – there’s a war on it. And all of it is straight out of the pages of Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky divide and conquer. And that’s one of the reasons that in the book that we emphasize so strongly the importance of people becoming informed. So, people should read for half and hour everyday something new, something they don’t know already. Algebra, economics, history, American history, world history, Russian history – read about communist nations. I think it’s very enlightening to read the works of Kar Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky. The thing you can see exactly what’s going on in this country, you can see the plan that they hatched to overcome America knowing they couldn’t do it militarily. And it’s much more difficult for people to hoist these nefarious on us when we know what they’re doing.

Kurt Wallace: Dr. Carson, thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ben Carson: It has been an absolute pleasure, thank you.

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