Ron Paul: Politicians have told me they think “people are too stupid to take care of themselves”

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Videos By Rare

Kurt Wallace: Our guest today on Rare is Dr. Ron Paul, host of the Ron Paul Channel and his new media site Voices of Liberty and Dr. Paul thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ron Paul: Kurt, it’s nice to be with you.

Kurt Wallace: As far as sanctions are concerned, you talk about the US financial isolationism with Russia, it includes pressure on European countries as well. How will this affect the United States and why do you think the U.S. policymakers are doing this?

Ron Paul: I think the policy makers, and that includes Republicans and Democrats, they like the idea of being the boss. I mean people who like to boss other people around like to go into politics so they can become the boss. Some literally believe, and they’ve told me personally, that the people are too stupid to take care of themselves. The liberals say they wouldn’t take care of themselves and that’s why we have to take care of them from cradle to grave. And conservatives say well we have to take care of them or they might smoke something they shouldn’t smoke and we have to teach them how to behave and to be socially acceptable.

So, they really believe in this stuff. And they enjoy doing it and they actually believe they’re doing good and that’s the worse part about it. And they always think it is that if people can’t take care of themselves we need people like me to go and make sure that they’re taken care of because they won’t save money and they won’t be responsible. So, I think we’re in the transition of that because governments have failed and they’re not going to be able to take care of the people.

Kurt Wallace: How is this pressure on Russia going to effect the United States?

Ron Paul: I think this whole thing on the sanctions is going to backfire, its going to eventually hurt us. Because our allies are getting a little antsy but our enemies at least the ones we really challenge that you know like Russia and China and others in the BRICS movement are getting together and talking about another currency and not using the dollar. It hasn’t significantly hurt the dollar so far but I think it will and I think when push come to shove everybody whose been insulted by us, allies and others will gladly pile on. And if we have a dollar crisis we’ll be a much much weaker nation. I don’t think anybody in Washington quite understands how big a deal that could be. Because the more you print the worse the conditions get. Today the more we print as long as they’re willing to take this money overseas we still come out on top because they’re not holding us responsible for out debt, you know 17 trillions of debt. When are they going to quit buying our debt? When its 20 trillion or what? But there will be a time when they’ll stop.

So, all this effort, whether its troops in the Middle East or us participating in a coup in Ukraine and spending all this money and putting on sanctions and doing all these things–I think that’s gonna come to an end and I think it will backfire and hurt us more than its going to hurt our enemies.

Kurt Wallace: Dr. Ron Paul, thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Ron Paul: Kurt, nice to be with you.

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