A mom found out the worst news about her daughter through Facebook

Facebook/Brogan Warren

Deborah Byrne, 47, discovered that her daughter had passed after someone messaged her over Facebook.

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Byrne also saw guest posts such as “Gone too soon” and “I can’t believe the news” on her daughter’s Facebook page.

Brogan Warren was only 21 when she and three of her friends died in a car accident on the way back from a vegan festival.

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Byrne explained that she was not initially worried that she hadn’t heard from her daughter, as Warren was set to spend the night at the house of Bryne’s sister, Tricia:

At 8pm on the Sunday night (the night of the crash) Brogan texted me and said they’d be driving back soon, so, with Tianna staying with my sister, I took advantage and had an early night.

When I heard no more from Brogan, I wasn’t worried. I assumed her phone battery had died and she’d stopped off at someone’s house.

Warren was in Oxfordshire at the time of the crash, explaining why the Northamptonshire police did not have Warren in their system.

The family gathered at Bryne’s house. An Oxfordshire officer eventually confirmed the news of Warren’s death.

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