Leaked body cam footage shows a police officer using a Taser on an already-handcuffed man

Leaked body camera footage shows a Balch Springs, Tx., police officer using a Taser on a man who had already been handcuffed by a different officer.

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The footage is of an April 28, 2016 incident and was mailed to Fox 4, which said it didn’t know who sent it.

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The video shows multiple police officers on the scene after a 911 call about a man waiving a gun around. One officer approaches the man, Marco Stephenson, and puts him in handcuffs. Stephenson looks to be cooperating.

The situation then escalates after one of the officers says, “You better watch it, Marco.” Stephenson then tells the officers that he spit a toothpick into the grass. Then, one of the officers starts using his Taser on Stephenson. He continues to shock him as one of the other officers tells Stephenson, “You better not pull away.”

Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber told Fox 4 the Texas Rangers, Professional Standards and the Dallas County DA’s Public Integrity unit all reviewed the incident.

“We decided together that this was an administrative issue, not a criminal issue,” Haber said.

The officer was put on “no contact with the public” and ordered to take classes on conflict resolution, anti-bias and how to respond to mental health calls, Haber told Fox 4.

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This video comes after another officer in the same department was fired after shooting and killing a 15-year-old boy.

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