In a Planned Parenthood scarf, Elizabeth Warren delivers stirring message to Women’s March participants

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Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has consistently been a leading voice for progressive Democrats on the floor of the Senate. Recently, she spoke out against the 21st Century Cures Bill, saying that too much money from big pharma had gone into funding the bill.

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At the Women’s March in Boston, Warren was one of the headlining speakers. She took the stage in a Planned Parenthood scarf and delivered a stirring message, saying that women can “whimper, whine or fight back.” After a moment of applause, Warren declared, “I’m here to fight back.”

RELATED: Elizabeth Warren takes to Twitter to call out the DOJ for failing to indict big banks following the 2008 financial crisis

Democrats have a long four years ahead of them as the House and Senate are both controlled by the Republicans, who will likely be eager to push through bills with the help of their new president. In 2017, there are 23 Democratic Senate seats up for re-election while the Republicans have to defend only eight.

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