Here’s 5 times Megyn Kelly absolutely nailed it

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly has made even more of a name for herself in the last year as a powerful voice in conservative journalism. In contrast to some of her colleagues, Kelly has shown that she won’t always drink the right-wing kool-aid (or left-wing, for that matter) so many have criticized the network for extolling.

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After rising among the ranks of Fox News for several years, Kelly was given her own prime-time show in October 2013. Since then she has made headlines by asking both Republicans and Democrats tough questions. In recent months she has regularly outpaced Fox icon Bill O’Reilly in both nightly and weekly ratings.

Here are some of Kelly’s top moments.

1. Tearing down Karl Rove on Election Night 2012

“Is this math you do as a Republican? Or just math you do to make yourself feel better?” Kelly famously asked Rove while he refused to acknowledge that Obama had been re-elected President of the United States.

This moment was covered heavily in the media in the days following the election, an early indication that Kelly wasn’t afraid to challenge Republicans. After her moment with Karl Rove, Megyn Kelly took her microphone and went down to do a raw interview with Fox analysts, making Rove look like a fool in the process.

2. “History has proven you got it wrong” on Iraq

As Dick Cheney attempted to blame the current chaos in Iraq solely on President Obama, Kelly stood up to the former vice president by saying what had to be on many viewer’s minds.

“Time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well in Iraq, sir,” Kelly said to Cheney. Cheney was taken completely off guard by the line of questioning and just doubled down on his position that it was all Obama’s fault.

3. The perfect summary of the Obama legacy

In mid June at the height of the perfect storm of Obama scandals, Kelly delivered a monologue that shook the conservative media.

Unlike some other conservative personalities, Kelly is rarely bellicose. But when she does get riled up, she does so in a manner that doesn’t distract from her message.

“Domestically, we have a president who has lost the trust of the American people by repeatedly misleading them. He bypasses Congress on matters ranging from Obamacare to immigration law… The American public overwhelmingly regrets ObamaCare, our veterans are dying waiting to see doctors, the IRS intimidates conservative groups…The president assures us not to worry, smiling, golfing, and at this very moment, partying with fashion queen Anna Wintour… Because the fundraising never stops — not when four Americans die in Benghazi and not when Baghdad is at the brink,” Kelly said.

4. Explaining how Fox News works to Howard Stern

“I’m conservative on some things and I’m not on others. I love that people make assumptions about you because you work at Fox,” Kelly told Stern in a long interview in which Stern praised the conservative host for being able to stay even-keeled and unbiased on many issues. When Stern pressed Kelly about being told what to do, Kelly lectured the host about having her own voice, and her desire to push people to get the answers the country needs.

5. Ripping male Fox News pundits for being anti-women

After Fox pundits Lou Dobbs and Erick Erickson expressed shocked upon learning that a Pew study showed women were increasingly primary breadwinners, Kelly invited both men on her show–and watched them stumble as they tried to defend their words.

“I didn’t like what you wrote one bit. To me you sound like somebody who’s judging and then wants to come out and say ‘I’m not, I’m not, I’m not, and now let me judge, judge, judge, and by the way it’s science, it’s science, it’s science, it’s fact, fact, fact, fact. Well, I have a whole list of studies saying your science is wrong and your facts are wrong,” Kelly said.

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