“The View” prefaces take on the Donald Trump-Russia story with a “golden shower” joke

YouTube/The View

Much has been made of BuzzFeed’s decision to publish information the website called “a collection of memos written over a period of months, includes specific, unverified, and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between [Donald] Trump aides and Russian operatives, and graphic claims of sexual acts documented by the Russians.”

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BuzzFeed defended the decision by saying publishing the dossier “reflects how we see the job of reporters in 2017.”

President-elect Donald Trump has responded with a series of tweets, calling the BuzzFeed story “fake news.” He also asked, “Are we living in Nazi Germany?”






One of the strangest details contained in this dossier said something about Trump paying prostitutes to perform “golden showers.”


On Wednesday’s edition of the panel “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg called direct attention to this detail in her opening.

“I do have to ask, because he’s being showered with allegations, is this a golden opportunity for Democrats, or will he be able to clean up these leaks?” she asked.

Others were concerned that these memos, regardless of being “unsubstantiated,” could lead to the Russians blackmailing Trump.

“While they are unsubstantiated and unsourced, or unconfirmed, I think what we really need to be concerned about is the fact that our now future president could possibly be compromised by our Russian adversaries, and they could have information that could, I guess, blackmail him,” Sunny Hostin said.

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Jedediah Bila would add, “If any of this is true, and is found to be true — and the FBI is currently investigating it, they’re doing their job — this is very problematic […] if you remember, a lot of people that opposed Hillary Clinton opposed her because they fel,t because of the email leak, that she was potentially compromised.”

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