Teacher’s aide took her relationship with special needs student way too far, police say

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A former Palm Bay, Fla., teacher’s aide allegedly had numerous sexual encounters with a 14-year-old special needs student at her home; Alana Chasky, 35, faces charges of lewd and lascivious battery on a victim between 12 and 16 years old.

When the mother of the boy discovered explicit text messages and images allegedly sent by Chasky to her son’s phone, police say she warned the woman to stay away from her son, suspecting their relationship had become inappropriate.

Chasky was employed with the Riverdale Country Day School, a school for students with emotional and behavioral disorders.

According to News 6, the mother knew Chasky because she was assigned to help the teen with his emotional needs. However, Chasky allegedly disreagarded the mother’s warning.

Palm Bay Police Lt. Mike Bandish told Fox 35 that Chasky met the boy on the school bus, and that the mother initially permitted her son to visit Chasky in order to help him with his issues.

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Police say the relationship was exposed in an odd way when the boy was arrested on Sept. 10 for allegedly taking part in a burglary of Chasky’s home while she was out of town. When the police investigated, they say the boy’s mother showed them the explicit text messages.

Police say they matched the text messages to Chasky’s phone and that the boy admitted that he and Chasky had sex multiple times between February and September of this year.

Chasky resigned from her job on June 30, and Lt. Bandish said she turned herself in before the investigation concluded. She is being held on a $60,000 bond.

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