Tomi Lahren’s tweets about Iranian Oscar winner Asghar Farhadi are beyond stupid

Tomi Lahren seen at Politicon 2016 at The Pasadena Convention Center on Saturday, June 25, 2016, in Pasadena, CA. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP)

In the Rare office, we’ve had many lengthy discussions about when to criticize the forever screaming Tomi Lahren, because the opportunities really are endless. We’ve made a conscious decision to pick our battles, as not to devote excessive time and resources to a woman who not only makes conservatives look petty and shrill, but already receives far more attention than she deserves.

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When Asghar Farhadi won Best Foreign Language Film at Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony for “The Salesman,” he used the occasion to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order that temporarily halted travel from seven countries that are predominantly Muslim. Farhadi did this by boycotting the Oscars and having Anousheh Ansari, the first Iranian to go into space, read a statement from him.

RELATED: Why does Tomi Lahren keep screaming at me?

I thought it was a well balanced statement that voiced his displeasure with the policy that never descended into grandstanding.

There were many political speeches made at the Oscars — as there always are by liberal Hollywood when there’s a Republican in the White House — but Farhadi’s protest had the most impact precisely because he and millions of others are directly affected by Trump’s policy. It was a classy and respectful way to do it, toward both the president and viewers watching at home.

Then Tomi Lahren chimed in.

Seriously, Tomi? An accomplished filmmaker receives the most prestigious award in his field and this is the best retort you have to a disagreement over his political statement; to use his ethnicity and nationality to equate him with terrorists.

It got worse. Or more accurately, dumber.

This is schoolyard stuff. One Tweeter noted how out of her depth Lahren was in even going there.

American foreign policy has been responsible for fanning the flames of radical Islam, something President Trump alluded to when he blamed the foreign policy of Presidents Bush and Obama for the creation of ISIS throughout the 2016 election.

Not that I expect Lahren to remember, much less consider, this.

Iran is probably the least likely place you’ll find an ISIS training camp in all of the Middle East because they’ve been too busy fighting them.

Not that I expect Lahren to know this.

RELATED: Sympathy for Tomi Lahren

I could also point out that most Iranians probably loathe their current regime more than we do. The country’s youthful population are natural allies, many of whom are pro-Western and American in their outlook. Iran was also one of the few Middle Eastern countries to hold a candlelight vigil for the victims of 9/11.

If Lahren could stop spewing venom for a moment, this information might be helpful to her.

Trump might be skeptical of the Iran deal, but his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has expressed an interest in U.S.-based companies doing business there. Hopefully American companies can find a patch of land amongst all the terrorist training camps to break ground.

New Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis thinks we need to keep the Iran deal. Is Mattis just “kissing their behinds?”

Or is American foreign policy more complicated than just hearing the word “Iran” on an awards show and automatically thinking it’s bad?

What if I said the only reason Tomi Lahren has a career is because she’s “hot?” It’s likely she and her fans might accuse me of being a sexist or worse. Well, if you ignorantly tie an Iranian man to terrorism merely because of his nationality, don’t be surprised when others consider you a racist or worse.

Thinking before you speak is always a good idea. Unfortunately for Tomi Lahren (or perhaps fortunately, from her perspective), doing so would wreck her entire business model.

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