Robin Williams’ 6 Best Impressions to Make You Laugh and Cry at the Same Time

Robin Williams Best Impressions

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Robin Williams was a larger-than-life cultural icon from the moment he appeared as Mork on Happy Days in 1978. Coming from a history of stand-up appearances, Williams’ comedic flair and quirky humor charmed TV audiences in the United States and overseas. Mork & Mindy, the spin-off from that initial episode, ran from 1978 to 1982, and this is really how most Americans came to know Robin Williams.

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He would go on to star in countless classic films before his death in 2014, from more serious roles in Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, The Fisher King, and Dead Poets Society to the fun roles that appealed to kids in JumanjiHook, and Mrs. Doubtfire. To remember Williams now, we’re throwing it back to Robin Williams’ best impressions. While there are countless (y’all, this man was FUNNY!), we had to narrow it down.

6. Al Pacino

The best part is that this is just one of the many Al Pacino impressions floating around the internet. Forget his role in Aladdin and his famous “Never Had a Friend Like Me” tune, I’d happily watch him reprise an Al Pacino role.

If only, if only.

5. Christopher Walken

The distinguished mustache really makes this impression stand out. I would have watched a whole movie of Robin Williams impersonating Christopher Walken, especially on Joe Dirt.

Read More: After Robin Williams died, Carrie Fisher shared one of their last conversations

4. The Hot Dog

In the words of the immortal Larry the Cable Guy, I don’t care who you are, this is funny right here. One year I almost went as Robin Williams as the hot dog for Halloween, but my friends talked me out of it. I might be revisiting that decision this year.

Can you imagine trying to keep a straight face with him on set?

3. Jack Nicholson

This might be a personal choice, but I really love a good Jack Nicholson impression. Have you seen the eyebrows on that man? Have you heard him talk? It’s a wealth of good material and of course, Robin Williams captures it best.

2. Ronald Reagan

Many may argue that his George Bush impression is better than his Reagan attempt, but I’m Team Reagan all the way.

I mean just listen to this, how are you not in stitches?

1. Elmer Fudd singing Bruce Springsteen

Well, this is the best Robin Williams impression in my opinion because again, who would even make this connection between the Looney Tunes and Bruce?

A legendary actor with spot-on impressions, only he could turn Elmer Fudd into a hot and sexy singer. Oh how I wish we could still enjoy Robin Williams’ impressions today. If you enjoyed this, feel free to share on Facebook using the icons above!


This article was originally published on August 3, 2018.

Watch: Robin Williams’ Daughter Found Some Old Photos of the Two of Them While Cleaning

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