A swarm of bees are the first parishioners at this renovated church

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Two pastors renovating an abandoned church in New Mexico this week got quite the surprise when they found it occupied with bees.

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According to KOB-TV in Albuquerque, Dee Brown and his wife, Bernadine, discovered hundreds of the bees while working to remodel their church. Brown said the previous owners “patched stucco with a wood insert,” which allowed the bees to get in.

He also said he and his family were looking to have a “positive impact on the lives of part of the community that, in [their] perception, has been left behind.”

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Thankfully, Raymond Espinoza of Honeybee Rescue Farm heard their story was so inspired by the Brown’s efforts in the community that he offered his services to remove the bees for free. This was quite generous, as bee removal services can be fairly expensive.

Espinoza said the U.S. is experiencing some of the highest bee losses in history. Saving the bees and helping the church was equally important to him. He told KOB-TV that “we all have to pull together and if we don’t find ways to pull together and help each other, we’re not going to pull ourselves out of the mess we’re in right now.”

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