More Cat People and Dog People Should Sign Up to Do Studies

Editor’s Note: This post was updated on November 25, 2019, after the original article published on November 6, 2019, contained misleading information. The original article stated the study, “Personality Differences Between Dog People and Cat People” found that liking cats is a sign of high intelligence. After a review of the article, we found the study was conducted to 600 undergraduate students who were enrolled in a psychology course at a private midwestern US University. The responses from the survey were analyzed to show whether participants were dog or cat people, to which some were eliminated after identifying themselves as both. Since the study only focused on the students, one cannot draw an accurate conclusion from it that compares dog or cat people to the general population. The study also did not show an association with cats and “very high intelligence” rather “general intelligence.” As always, here at Rare, we are committed to accurate reporting and always want to be transparent with our readers by providing the correct information.

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A Wisconsin University is attempting to further tear apart the integrity of humanity with a new study about “cat people” and “dog people” and their differences and essentially who is better. Queue the “what color is the dress” argument circa 2015, or the chicken versus the egg question.

Here’s what happened, first the study eliminated anybody from the original group of 600 who believed themselves to be an equal lover of both cats and dogs. This study took the remaining 418 people from both groups and surveyed them on multiple factors and personality traits. The pet owners were asked questions like what they enjoyed most about their pets. Essentially, the cat lovers said attention, and dog lovers said companionship.

The results of the study found that dog lovers were often more extroverted than cat lovers. Dog owners were seen as more outgoing, livelier and energetic (sounds like the description of a dog, but ok.) While cat owners were seen as introverted and more sensitive. Somehow the conclusion was drawn that dog lovers were more likely to follow rules and cat people were the non-conformists.

Denise Guastello, a psychology professor at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin seconds these findings and states that, “It makes sense that a dog person is going to be more lively, because they’re going to want to be out there, outside, talking to people, bringing their dog, whereas, if you’re more introverted and sensitive, maybe you’re more at home reading a book, and your cat doesn’t need to go outside for a walk.”

Sure, sounds about right.

Somehow the study translated these findings into cat owners being smarter than dog owners. Possibly because cat owners are introverted/inside and have more time to focus on things like studies as opposed to giving love and affection the way humans are meant to. So, could this conclusion be true?

Well, it could be a bit of a stretch. It’s important to note, this study was done on college students. While their ages weren’t given, it’s a well-supported fact that the prefrontal cortex doesn’t fully develop until around twenty-five years of age. So, it mostly just sounds like this study was done on individuals in flux. Or maybe it’s purely a Wisconsin thing? I wouldn’t know, I’m from Texas where everything’s bigger. I’ll leave it up to you to decide.

Watch: We’re Not Kitten You with These 5 Cat Jokes

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