This cat figured out what it’s getting for Christmas — and Twitter is impressed

Cats have an odd way of knowing. Whether it’s cuddling us on a bad day or staying well away from that family member who gets on our nerves just so, they’ve got a lot of intuition (the smart ones, at least).

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Meet Marty. Marty is one of the smart ones.

RELATED: A cat makes a daring attempt to climb a Christmas tree to shocking results

That’s true even when he’s attacking the ornaments on the tree, much to the chagrin of his owner, writer Michael Clarke. (Cats love ornaments — nothing is better for swatting a paw at.)

Hey, swiping at individual ornaments is better than taking down the whole tree (as this video of a cat climbing a tree to get every ornament perfectly demonstrates). Michael, it could be a lot worse.

Yesterday, the Englishman tweeted a great picture of Marty discovering exactly what he was getting for Christmas without opening a thing.

Marty — in a well-earned break from swatting ornaments off the tree or climbing up inside of it — picked a spot to nap. His chosen napping spot was a present lying under the tree, and while he didn’t know it was for him (and couldn’t read the label), it was a new bed for him. Cats pick some strange places to sleep, for sure, but this one was spot-on.

Twitter reacted predictably, barely handling the cuteness — and commending Marty for some thorough investigative work on his part.

Some owners spoil their cats so thoroughly that they give them their Christmas gifts a bit early:



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