Trace Adkins comes clean about sins and sweet salvation in new music video

Sometimes, all you have to do is listen to the lyrics that your favorite artists sing to get the best idea of what they have gone through in their life.

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For example, Trace Adkins’ new single, “Jesus and Jones.”

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Officially released on May 6, the video for Trace’s new single traces a man’s experiences going from a rambunctious Saturday night to an enlightening Sunday morning.

“If you just listen to the title of the song, ‘Jesus and Jones,’ it means basically living somewhere between heaven and hell, I suppose,” music video director Peter Zavadil said in a press release. “So where is someone in between heaven and hell? It’s not the night before, it’s the morning after. So it’s that point where you’re weighing, ‘did I have good times or bad times’ as you’re on your way to church in the morning.”

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Trace also utilizes a number of scenes of the legendary George Jones, along with a tip of the hat to a past experience he had with a certain lawn mower. How the scenes of the video correlate to the scenes of Trace’s real life – we will never know. It’s just good to hear his voice again and to let him know that we can all relate to what he’s singing about.

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