A boy was frighteningly close to being crushed to death by a reckless driver, but one brave woman made all the difference

Warning: this is graphic video.

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Incredible video shows how an exceptionally brave woman put her life on the line in Bridgeport, Conn., on June 1, as she jumped in front of an out-control-car that would almost certainly ended a child’s life by crushing him against a restaurant’s stone wall.


Shanta Jordan didn’t hesitate to risk life and limb to save a boy she didn’t even know, absorbing most of the impact for him. That driver now faces reckless driving charges, which could have easily been vehicular manslaughter otherwise.

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Jordan can be seen jumping right in front of the car before getting hit into a wall along with the boy. Bridgeport police say that “most likely, [the boy] would have perished” if not for Jordan, KRON reported.

As you can see, the impact was bad enough as it is.



Both Jordan and the boy were rushed to the hospital. She is recovering, and the boy, who doctors thought would lose both of his legs, underwent extensive surgery.

Doctors were able to save both of his legs.

The boy’s brother, pictured in a black and blue hoodie, was also hurt.

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For her heroics, Jordan will receive a commendation from the Bridgeport police department, the local mayor and Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

(H/t CBS Baltimore)

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