A mom is looking for the guardian angel who saved her daughter from a burning car

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A California mother is looking for the person who saved her daughter in a fiery accident.

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The teenager lost control of her vehicle on a wet road while entering the highway, reports CBS Sacremento. The vehicle swerved into traffic, where it was hit by two other vehicles.

“When you get to the top of the ramp. It’s easy to slide up there,” said Terrie Madruga, who saw the aftermath. Her own vehicle has spun its wheels at least three times in the same spot.

Flames and smoke engulfed the scene. Madruga recalled that it was so hot, “my car was filling up with heat.”

“I thought maybe it would explode at some time, that’s what I was afraid of,” said Karen Salstrom, who also witnessed the aftermath.

The California Highway Patrol reported that three drivers not involved in the crash pulled over to help. An unnamed driver risked their own life to pull the teen from the burning vehicle.

The mother of the teen has since posted on social media in hopes of finding the person who saved her daughter, who she said was “unconscious” in the wreck.

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She wrote, “…I would like to thank him personally. He saved my daughter’s life.”

The mother reportedly found the names of those who helped. However, she would still like to meet them and thank them in person.

One person was hospitalized following the crash. The teen is expected to be okay.

“They’re a hero because they valued saving that person,” Salstrom said.

“I couldn’t imagine. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare that there is an accident and where is your kid,” Madruga added. “It’s good to know that they’re all watching out after each other.”

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