A North Carolina handyman plead guilty to murdering “Food Network Star” contestant, her husband and her unborn baby

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A North Carolina handyman admitted to committing the heinous murder of late “Food Network Star” contestant Cristie Schoen Codd and her family.

Codd, who was five months pregnant at the time of her death, and her husband, Joseph “JT” Codd, were reported missing from their Leicester home in March 2015. They had been killed by Robert Jason Owens, a contractor who had worked with the family before.

While the circumstances surrounding their deaths may never be confirmed, Owens said that he accidentally ran them over when they tried to help free his truck from a ditch. Owens then made the decision to dismember all three bodies, burn them in a wood stove on his property and attempted to get rid of their belongings. His lawyer argued that he was impaired at the time, the result of prescribed pills he took for his depression.

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Owens pleaded guilty to three counts of second-degree murder as well as two-counts of dismemberment, meaning he’ll serve the minimum 59.5 years for one charge and the maximum 74.5 years for the other. With such a long sentence, it’s likely that Owens will spend the rest of his life in prison.

“We can only hope that he suffers for the remainder of his life on Earth and again as he rots in hell,” the victims’ families said in a statement.

Owens was also once questioned in the 2000 disappearance of Asheville resident Zebb Quinn. Though questioned, Owens was never implicated as a suspect. Quinn is presumed to be dead at this time.

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