A North Carolina family is devastated after a collision with a logging truck claimed their son’s life


A 15-year-old boy driving with his father was killed when a log from a logging truck smashed the through windshield of their pickup truck in Lenoir, N.C., on Tuesday morning.

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The crash happened shortly after 7:30 a.m. near Hibriten High School, where the teen, Wesley Oliver, was a sophomore, according to WSOC-TV.

The accident occurred when the logging truck was making a right turn onto a road as the Ford F-150 truck was about to pass through the intersection. The pickup collided with a log that extended from the back of the truck. The crash killed Oliver, according to Lenoir police.

Witnesses told WSOC-TV that the log crashed through the Ford pickup truck’s passenger’s side window, and that it was one of the worst collisions they had seen. Oliver was pronounced dead at the scene.

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“It’s just very, very sad for the family right here at Christmas,” one witness told reporters.

The teen’s father, Brian Oliver, 50, was driving the pickup. According to WRAL, police said he was injured but able to walk to an ambulance on his own.

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“When the truck was making a right-hand turn, and while it was turning … the Ford was going through the intersection,” said Captin Brent Phelps of the Lenoir Police Department.

No criminal charges have yet been filed against either driver.

For Hibriten High School, it was yet another dose of horrific news. Oliver is the third student to die in the last five years, according to WBTV.

“Hibriten has always had a reputation for being a tight-knit family,” the school said in a statement. “We will get through this together. We are family.”

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