Country duo trolls liberals by turning hit “Friends in Low Places” into anti-snowflake song “Friends in Safe Spaces”

YouTube/Steve Mudflap McGrew

Two country singers have transformed Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places” into an anti-snowflake anthem. The duo, Chad Prather and Steve “Mudflap” McGrew, have turned the 1990 hit into “Friends in Safe Spaces,” a song intended to poke fun at liberals whom they view as too sensitive.

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“I’ve got friends in safe spaces. If you don’t go with us, then you must be racist,” the chorus goes, joking on those on the left who claim all Trump voters are racist.

Another zinger addresses the inability of some Democrats to accept Hillary Clinton’s loss: “Blame it all on our roots, we never wore boots, we never once played in the streets. Feel very bitter, got news off of Twitter, we just can’t handle defeat.”

And the song goes on, taking hits at sensitive snowflakes with every line and even making fun of participation trophies, CNN, Michael Moore and coloring books.

The parody is even getting some attention from those in Washington, having been shared on social media by former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who called it “a tribute to snowflakes everywhere.”

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