A police cruiser slammed into another car at 80mph and the footage is tough to watch

KRQE screenshot -- results of a collision between an officer's vehicle going 67 mph and a turning civilian car. A 6-year-old boy was killed in the crash, and his mother and sister injured.

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Video has emerged of the April crash involving an Albuquerque, N.M., police officer who was driving nearly 70 mph when he collided with a family’s car, killing a 6-year-old boy, the Daily Mail reports.

An investigation into the collision by the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department does not recommend any charges against Officer Jonathan McDonnell, in part because he was “authorized to operate his vehicle in an emergency response.” The crash is now being reviewed by the district attorney’s office.

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The devastating crash killed 6-year old Joel Anthony Suina. The boy’s 9-year-old sister suffered a pelvis fracture, lung, liver and kidney contusions and a head injury; the children’s mother, 30-year-old Antoinette Suina, was also injured in the crash, according to KRQE.

McDonnell broke his femur, a foot and other bones.

Witness audio recording and hundreds of pages of documents were released Friday.

“The little boy was non-responsive, we couldn’t get a pulse on him,” witness Monica Cullins, a medical professional who immediately tried to help, told an officer. “I’m not used to little ones like that.”

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McDonnell was responding to a high-priority call at a nearby grocery store. His cruiser reached speeds close to 80 mph on a road with a 40 mph limit. His car’s computer indicates that he collided with Suina at 67 mph and that he tried to brake and steer in the seconds before the collision. Surveillance footage shows that both McConnell and Suina had green lights. Suina was attempting to make a left-hand turn when the cruiser slammed into her car, spinning it several times.

Suina has maintained through multiple interviews that she did not see or hear the police car’s lights and siren. However, investigators say the officer was running both lights and siren at the time of the crash.

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