A YouTube star has a sad reason for regretting getting plastic surgery to look like a porn star


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Videos By Rare

A YouTube star has opened up about her regret to get plastic surgery to please her now ex-boyfriend.

According to the Mirror, Berry Ng, 22, of Hong Kong said she went under the knife at the age of 21 when her ex-boyfriend voiced his appreciation for his favorite porn stars’ larger breasts.

She recalled that “he would shout, ‘How big! How great.'”

Because of this, she proceeded to undergo 30 surgeries, costing about $3,000 total, to look like some of his favorite porn stars. She completely changed her look by getting work done on her forehead, lips, eyelids, nose and breasts.

“At that moment, if he had stopped me and told me that I was beautiful enough, I would have stopped, but he didn’t,” she said.

She was quickly led to regret the decision when her boyfriend didn’t appreciate the changes. He demanded to know why she got the surgeries.

She explained that her mother cried at her appearance upon seeing her after her first surgery, making her realize that she might have become too obsessed. She ended her relationship soon after and went on YouTube to warn others about getting surgery for someone else’s benefit.

“I may have a very fake face, but I have a truer heart than most,” she commented.

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