A Chick-fil-A is responding after a manager asked a breastfeeding mother to leave

WFLA screenshot

A North Dakota Chick-fil-A was thrown in the center of controversy when a woman accused the staff of asking her to leave when she breastfed her child.

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Macy Hornung used Facebook to share an account of her experiences at the soft open of a new Chick-fil-A restaurant in Fargo. Hornung explained that her baby did not like to be covered while feeding. She said that only a small area of the upper portion of her breast was visible, comparable to what could be seen when she wasn’t feeding.

The owner reportedly told Hornung that “children and men” might see her breastfeeding, to which Hornung replied they could “practice the simple art of looking away.” After trying to cite the state’s breastfeeding laws, she was informed that she would be asked to leave if she chose to not cover up.

She updated the post to reflect the apology she received from the owner, whose name is Kimberly Hamm:

I would like to publicly apologize to Macy Hornung for the way I handled the situation on Saturday. I ask for your forgiveness on this matter as I learn from it. My goal is to provide a warm and welcoming environment for all of my guests.

Hornung’s Facebook Post went viral and was picked up by several news outlets.

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Since that time, the location has received an influx of mixed reviews, many of them negative.

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