A man asked a group to stop smoking marijuana, and their cruel response was caught on video

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Videos By Rare

A Texas man was brutally beaten on a train after asking a group of people to stop smoking marijuana.

On Sunday night, victim Kennan Jones complained to a group of five men and two women about their usage of the substance. According to witness and Dallas Area Rapid Transit spokesman Mark Ball, the group the began to spit on and hit Jones.

“Everything just went from 0 to 100,” Jones said. “I’m just very happy to be here […] happy to hug my kids.”

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A video taken by a witness shows the group follow Jones as he’s trying to escape. They proceed to hit, kick and punch him as two more men join in. Near the end of the footage, Jones is hit with a skateboard in the head twice before the group leaves him on the ground.

“I actually said, ‘OK, OK. Y’all win,'” Jones recalled about the moment he began to black out.

After being transported to and treated at a nearby hospital, Jones explained that the driver of the train did not attempt to help him or to stop the attackers from fleeing. Frustrated, Jones said the driver “saw enough” that he should have stopped the train to prevent the attackers from leaving until police arrived.

Ball apologized for the incident saying, “I’m so sorry it happened to him.” He added that a dispatcher saw the fight on a security camera and called the police, who arrived within 10 minutes, but that it’s unclear if the train driver saw the fight himself.

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Jones would like to see more security on trains but is refusing to press charges against his attackers, saying he has no regrets.

“What it did make me see is that we as a human race, we should care about each other more,” said Jones.

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