A clumsy waitress was arrested for what she dropped in a police officer’s drink

Hamilton County Sheriff's Office

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Videos By Rare

A Chattanooga waitress is facing some serious charges after her cocaine was discovered at the restaurant where she worked. Even worse, the discovery came when she dropped a small bag of the white powder in a drink she was serving to an off-duty police officer.

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According to WJHL, the arrest affidavit stated that Jekievea Monchell Yearby was charged with assault, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was working at a Steak & Shake at around 11 p.m. when the officer came in and ordered a water. He quickly discovered that his drink included an unwanted serving of cocaine and called his fellow officers to investigate. When the other cops arrived, they watched surveillance footage of the exchange with the restaurant’s manager, though the manager would not show the footage to the media and refused to comment.

RELATED: The U.S. Coast Guard’s latest cocaine bust is something you have to see to believe

Yearby reportedly admitted that the drugs were hers and that they must have fallen out of her pocket or sleeve when she served the drinks. She also admitted to having another bag in her bra; in total authorities discovered .7 grams of cocaine, which holds a street value between $30 to $50. In an interview with WJHL, she claimed that she does not do drugs and does not have a drug problem, though she added that she no longer works at the Steak and Shake so it seems that she won’t be serving food — or drugs — any time soon.

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