A Texas family is celebrating Christmas a few months early and they need your help

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Videos By Rare

Merry Christmas, David!

David Odum, 47, of Frisco, Texas and his family are celebrating Christmas a few months early after Odum was diagnosed with cancer in his appendix, reports FOX 4.

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His wife, Becky, posted about the festivities on Facebook and told friends and family how they could help by placing a Christmas wreath on their door:

We would love to invite you to join in the celebration with us by placing a Christmas wreath on your front door until after September 6th. Every time you enter and exit, notice the oddly timed decor, and say a prayer/send a thought for David. This will be his 48th birthday, and I would love to collect at least 48 pictures of Christmas wreaths placed on the front door in his honor, to compile into a photo book for him. If you are not able to easily get your wreath from storage, the boys said they would gladly make a simple one for you. ? Just let me know, and we will make the arrangements to get it to you and get a photo. ?

She invited participants to send her pictures of wreaths, and included an email in the Facebook post for anyone who would like to send in a picture.

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