White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer shared a statement about the recent blocking of President Trump’s new travel ban


President Trump’s most recent travel ban has been blocked by a federal judge in Hawaii, much to the president’s dismay. The ban was set to go into effect just hours after the judge’s decision.

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Trump expressed his frustration over the decision during a Nashville rally.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed the revised travel ban during a Thursday afternoon press conference:

Spicer quoted both the president as well as the legal statute that gave Trump authority over immigration.

Spicer also read a quote from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that also disagreed with the ruling to block the ban.

RELATED: “The View” erupted when the cohosts couldn’t agree about the intent of President Trump’s blocked travel ban

Spicer also explained the administration’s behind the new ban:

Reading a statement from the DOJ, Spicer said, “The danger is real, and the law is clear. The president was elected to change our broken immigration system.”

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