“I wanted to be free”: Woman who unplugged fiancé’s kayak so he would drown is already out of prison

Inside Edition/screenshot

Angelika Graswald is already out of prison.

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The 37-year-old Latvian-born woman who infamously unplugged a hole in here fiancé’s kayak in April 2015 so that he would drown because she “wanted to be free” and was tired of “sex demands” only served time for criminally negligent homicide.

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On April 2015 Graswald and her 46-year-old fiancé Vincent Viafore went kayaking on the Hudson River. She tampered with his kayak and tried to make it look like both an accident and like she was trying to save him.

“My fiancé fell in the river. I can’t get to him,” she cried during a 911 call.

That’s not the way the story ended up playing out in court.

Police discovered a journal in which she wrote that Viafore had demanded “rough sex” and “threesomes” and she also wished that he was dead.

Oddly, days after Viafore’s drowning Graswald posted videos of herself doing cartwheels and playing with her pets.

Ex-boyfriend Mike Colvin told Inside Edition that he dated Graswald for over a year and that they had a messy break-up. He said that she exhibited some particularly weird behavior during an argument about custody over a cat, laying on the ground behind his car and demanding that he give her the animal.

“If your fiancé passes or goes missing after a tragic accident, this seems like a very unorthodox way to display your feelings in a public setting,” Colvin said of the cartwheels and animal videos.

Graswald later confessed that “sexual demands” involving “threesomes” and “wanting to be free” drove her to it. She answered “yes” when asked if she was relieved that Viafore was dead. She also answered “yes, at some point, yes” when asked if she unplugged the kayak hoping Viafore would die.

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Viafore’s family couldn’t believe that Graswald was sentenced to a mere 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison and that she is now being supervised in a halfway house. Days behind bars after her arrest but before sentencing counted as time served, resulting in Graswald’s speedy release to the halfway house for women.

The victim’s mother, Mary Ann Viafore, said that there was no way four years for taking her son’s life was justice.

“Four years for taking someone’s life? No way,” she said. “My son was a good man and everybody loved him and we miss him very much. I don’t ever want to see her again if I don’t have to.”

Graswald was conditionally released from Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in December. Prosecutors have said she could face deportation to her native Latvia after parole.

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As recently as November, the Washington Post noted that Graswald stood to gain $250,000 from Viafore’s life insurance policy and that she could take legal action to claim the money.

Everyone wanted to know why Graswald didn’t leave Viafore if she was upset, including the judge.

“You could have walked out on Vinny if you were unhappy,” the judge said. “You exhibit such exaggerated feelings of self-worth.”

Graswald did not offer an explanation in court to the grieving family as to why.

Graswald’s lawyer described his client as grateful after she was released from prison.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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