The details of a stepdad and stepbrother’s alleged crimes against a 13-year-old girl are unreal

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Timothy Ciboro, 53, and Esten Ciboro, 27, of Toldeo, Ohio were arrested Thursday and face charges of endangering children by torture and cruel abuse; and kidnapping to terrorize or to inflict serious harm.

The two allegedly kept a 13-year-old girl chained up by the ankle to a support beam in a basement for a year, feeding her old and spoiled food, and making her use a bucket of ammonia as a bathroom.

Lucas County Jail

“She was kept in the dark, allowed to sit on a plastic bucket or the concrete floor, and had to defecate and void into a bucket containing ammonia,” the criminal complaint read, according to The Toledo Blade.

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The girl escaped the basement Wednesday night when the Ciboros went for a job, police said. The girl ran to a neighbor’s home. That neighbor called 911. You can listen to the call below.

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Two other children, a 10-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl, were removed from the home and placed into foster care. They did not appear to be harmed.

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The girl told the neighbor she ran away “because she gets in trouble for wetting the bed,” has “handcuffs [put] on her ankles” and is made to “sleep in the basement.”

Child services had visited the home as recently as 2014 because someone said they “saw the girl pick up a discarded bag of french fries from a garbage container in a park and then eat them.”

As the New York Daily News noted, investigators have found evidence supporting the girl’s account of abuse.

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